Showing posts with label 1809. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1809. Show all posts

Friday, 5 January 2024

The King of Iceland, founder of Hobart, Jorgen Jorgensen 29 March 1780 – 20 January 1841

 Jorgen Jorgensen was talented in many ways; sailor, spy, seditionist and silly bugger.

He was present at the foundation of Hobart, witnessed the Battle of Copenhagen, arrested the Danish Governor of Iceland then declared himself the Protector of Iceland - which lasted barely 2 months before he was voted off the island and back to England.

He managed to get employed by the British Intelligence Service where he translated documents and wandered about as a spy during the Napoleonic Wars, but then ran into a little trouble where he was accused of theft and voted back to an island , Tasmania.

The Convict King is immortalised in stone relief on the beautiful Ross Bridge with his crown.

Further reading -

Jørgen Jørgensen: The Convict King

Twenty Third day of the month of October throughout the not-so-many eons of Oz history

1786 - Barron Field, who claimed to be the first poet of Australia *ahem* and was for a number of years an actual judge in New South Wales...