Tuesday 2 July 2024

3 July in Australian History

1797 Following much fighting between the European settlers and the Indigenous people in the Hawkesbury area Governor John Hunter sent a group of soldiers to protect the settlers.

1850 Tired of saddling their broomsticks and kick-starting their horses, The Powers That Were got the lads on the tools to begin construction of the First Ever Railway Line in The Fair Isle of Oz; actually t'was the daughter of the Governor Charles FitzRoy, the Honourable Mrs. Mary Stewart, who prettily modelled the spade whilst she turned the first sod of the Sydney Railway Company at Cleveland Paddocks to begin work on the Sydney-Parramatta Railway Line.

1915 A medical report from the 1st Australian Casualty Clearing Station situated at Anzac Cove observed that “Dysentery is becoming very acute, and cases of extreme collapse are occurring”.
It is estimated that approximately 700 soldiers died from diseases.

1931 The Chemical Warfare Board was renamed as the Chemical Defence Board.

1942 Tea was now rationed; each adult was only allowed half a pound (approx. 230gms) of tea every 5 weeks.
This was in place for 8 years until 1 July 1950.

1947 Bust out the cake tin, Marge, SUGAR RATIONING HAS ENDED 
But don't bother with the teapot.
Sugar had been rationed since it was introduced nearly five years earlier, on 29 August 1942. 

1989 The Commission of Inquiry into Possible Illegal Activities and Associated Police Misconduct (the Fitzgerald Inquiry; 1987–1989) ended with Tony Fitzgerald QC submitting his final report.
As a result, a number of high-profile politicians were charged with crimes, and Queensland Police Commissioner Terry Lewis was charged with corruption.


Monday 1 July 2024

2nd July Australian history


1915 The inaugural Violet Day Appeal began, a local remembrance day for the fallen of WW1 in South Australia, started by Alexandrine Seager who had formed the Cheer-Up Society to provide 'general comfort, welfare, and entertainment' for soldiers, for which the annual Violet Day Appeal was the main fundraiser.

1918 Naval ratings all over the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) were feeling a little more secure with their choppers as the first Fang Carpenter aka Dentist joined the RAN , Lieutenant. M. L. Atwill who joined the battle cruiser HMAS Australia in London.

1954 The Yackandandah to Beechworth railway line in Victoria was kicked to the kerb for want of bottoms on seats.

1971 Tennis champion, Wiradjuri Evonne Goolagong won her first Wimbledon Championship, receiving the Women's Singles Trophy from Princess Alexandra after beating Margaret Court 6 - 4, 6 - 1


Australian Naval History

Yackandandah Railway Line

Violet Day; A Tribute to the Dead

Alexandrine Seager

Sunday 30 June 2024

1 July in Australian History

1797 - The first mob of Merino sheep were bundled up from the Cape of Good Hope, Africa, by a pair of clever clogs named Captain Henry Waterhouse and Lieutenant William Kent. Party!

1841 -  The Convict Assignment System was kicked to the kerb in favour of the new Probation Gang System. Party!

1841 - New Zealand separated from NSW. Party!

1851 - Victoria separated from NSW. Party!

1871 - The London Missionary Society, led by Reverend Samuel Macfarlane, arrived on Erub Island in what the Torres Strait Islanders call The Coming of The Light, which they celebrate each year on this date. Party!

1932 - The then-PM Joseph Lyons blessed into being the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC). Party!

1945 - Unemployment Insurance was introduced for the first time to provide cash benefits for those unable to work due to sickness or accident.

1957 - Darwin-ites got gussied up to the nines in excitement of the very first voting for their very own Mayor and 12 councillors; He Who Won the right to wear The Mayoral Tiara was Lucius (Bill) Richardson. Party!

1970 - Melbourne Airport was magicked into being at Tullamarine. Which is named for Tullamareena, a senior Wurundjeri man, who was present at the signing of Batman's treaty, and who managed to burn down the original Melbourne Gaol (I'm not laughing, you're laughing).

1975 - Medibank was introduced; this was the earliest form of Medicare, (Australia) as we know it, which did not last long before the Whitlam Govt was dismissed and Fraser tinkered around with it.

1975 - Australia Post and Telecom Australia were pupped from the innards of the former Postmaster-General Dept.

1978 - The Top End aka the Northern Territory was deemed grown up enough to govern itself, and now celebrates this each year with Territory Day. Party!

Sources :

Thursday 27 June 2024

A new library with gallery in The Petherick's abandoned convent.

 Just magic watching the library take shape!

June 28 Australian History without the cricket bits

1790 Slightly cracked and half past a pool noodle, John Macarthur rocked up in Sydney for the first time.
His wife, Elizabeth, did a lot for the sheep industry with Merinos.

1836 Snow fell in Sydney all over the shop and scared the two-legged wildlife.

1847 The Right Reverend Charles Perry was consecrated as the first Bishop of Melbourne (29 June).

1848 The Right Reverend Charles Perry was installed in the Cathedral Church of St James.

1880 Bushranger Ned Kelly was caught by the police after throwing a tanty that resulted in a number of people being not alive.

1880 Melbourne became the first city to install a commercial telephone when engineering firm Robison Bros hooked up their Melbourne office to their South Melbourne foundry.

Book-ending the bloody mess called The First World War

1914 The assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand and his wife, Sophia, kicked off 4 years of mayhem.
1919 Billy Hughes signed the Versailles Treaty on behalf of Australia; the Treaty of Versailles officially brought an end to the war.

Sources - I accidentally closed some of the tabs and I'm getting tired, cranky and snarky, so I'll do it tomorrow.
Or something.

June 28 Australian History with a side serving of cricket

 On this merry wee date in history a few things all cricket flavoured happened.

1882 The Australian Cricket Team took on the United South of England at Chichester and made a tidy little score.
Australia V United South England


1915 Australian cricketer Victor Trumper was farewelled at the too-young age of 37.
Victor Trumper


1938 Australian cricketer Don Bradman scored 102 at Lords.
Don Bradman


2006  Keith Miller's Baggy Green cricket cap was auctioned for $35,000 more than 50 years after he wore it.
Keith Miller

Monday 24 June 2024

Murrumbidgee Floods June 25, 1852


The night of June 24, 1852 saw the river Murrumbidgee swell to breaking its banks, flooding the original township of Gundagai (Gun-da-guy).

European settlers had established buildings on the low lying ground, too close to the river.
Wiradjuri (Wee-rad-jury) men came to the rescue of the Europeans - even though they'd tried to warn them against building the town and buildings where they had - Indigenous people were often the saviours of those who'd dismissed/ignored or treated them badly. 
Previous floods had seen Wiradjuri people rescue Europeans in the 1840s.
The Wiradjuri men of whose names we know were Yarri (Coonong Denamundinna) Jacky Jacky, Long Jimmy and Tommy Davis.
They rescued an estimated 69 people in bark canoes over three days and nights.
No one knows the exact number of people who lost their lives as the population was often increased with drovers, but with 250 people living in the town, at least 80 - 100 people died, untold livestock losses and only 3 houses left standing after the flood water receded.
And, of course, no one knows how many Indigenous people died.

2017 saw a mark of respect and thanks to the Wiradjuri People with the statue of Yarri and Jacky Jacky and one of the bark canoes used to rescue people.








23 July Australian History

1773  Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane, namesake of Brisbane aka Party Town Bris-Vegas, was found in the cabbage patch. 1888 The South Coast R...